Reggio Emilia

Taddei Barracks (Caserma Taddei)

Edited by

Daniele Pascale

Places of worship

Other denominations

Caserma Taddei/Caserma ex monastero dei Benedettini/Ex Convento dei Benedettini di San Pietro/Chiostri di San Pietro

D'Este's People

Alfonso I, Ercole III

Artists / Humanists

Alberto Pacchioni, Alessio Tramello, Bartolomeo Spani, Domenico Marchelli, Giulio della Torre, Giulio Romano, Leonardo Pacchioni, Prospero Pacchioni, Roberto Pacchioni


The monastery complex of San Pietro dates back to the 16th century, but its origins can be traced back to the ancient monastery of San Prospero built outside the walls of Reggio. Partially demolished by Alfonso I so as not to give shelter to enemy troops, the monastery moved inside the city near the church of San Pietro. The monks erected the two cloisters over the course of a century: first the gate cloister, built by Prospero Pacchioni and Bartolomeo Spani, and then the large cloister, with its original ashlar facing, for which Giulio Romano’s design involvement is probable.

Suppressed by Ercole III and transformed into the Ritiro delle Dame, it was used as barracks after the Unification of Italy.

Useful information


via Emilia San Pietro, 49/54




Reggio Emilia

Visitability of the place

Not open to visitors

