
Church of Saint George Outside the Walls (San Giorgio fuori le Mura)

Edited by

Maria Teresa Sambin

Places of worship

Other denominations

Complesso di San Giorgio (chiesa, ex convento e chiostro)/Complesso Monastico di San Giorgio Martire/Chiesa di San Giorgio, ex convento e primo chiostro/S. Giorgio e Campanile/Chiesa di San Giorgio

D'Este's People

Niccolò III

Artists / Humanists

Alberto Schiatti, Ambrogio da Milano, Antonio Rossellino, Biagio Rossetti, Cosmé Tura


The church of San Giorgio Oltrepò, the ancient Cathedral of Ferrara, was deprived of its prestigious function around 1135, with the consecration of the new cathedral on the northern bank of the river. Transformed first into an archpriestal parish church, assigned to the regular Canons of Sant’Agostino, the church of San Giorgio passed to the Lateran Canons, to be entrusted in 1372 to commendatory cardinals.

Between 1414 and 1415, the Olivetans of S. Michele in Bosco of Bologna finally took over, supported by the Pope and the Marquis. Despite having also annexed the monastery, the monks were not able to move in until 1418, due to the state of deterioration of the complex. The renovation and embellishment of the complex consisting of the church and monastery continued throughout the course of the 15th century. Between 1470 and 1474, Cosmé Tura painted the Roverella polyptych for the church. The construction of the new bell tower must be attributed to this context of renewal, which seems to have been completed by 1485, the date reported on a plaque embedded in a wall. Ascribed to the ducal architect Biagio Rossetti by Giuseppe Antenore Scalabrini (1773), the bell tower of San Giorgio Fuori le Mura is stylistically consistent with the Ferrarese architect’s language, as revealed in churches where his presence is attested by documents.





Useful information


piazza San Giorgio, 27-29






Arcidiocesi di Ferrara-Comacchio

Visitability of the place

Open to visits


Religious ceremony (wedding, funeral, burial,...)



