
Sacrati Muzzarelli Crema Palace (Palazzo Sacrati Muzzarelli Crema)

Edited by

Maria Teresa Sambin

Houses and Palaces

Other denominations

Palazzo Sacrati Muzzarelli Crema / Casa in via Cairoli, 13


The first documents relating to this building date back to 1298, when the Episcopate invested Uberto Sacrati with the right of use over a small house in Via di Borgonuovo, to which two other buildings bordering the first were added over time. Only in 1455 is the existence of a single building with a courtyard documented. The dating is well suited to the complex still in existence around the courtyard, which is highly representative of the residential architecture of the mid-15th century in Ferrara, an evocative mix between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Inside, frescoes dating from the 13th to the 15th century have been found, with siege scenes or simple decorative motifs, such as the coats of arms of the Sacrati and the Este, demonstrating the closeness of the owners of the house to the lords of Ferrara.

The Sacrati were, after all, one of the most important families in the city for many centuries. Property of the Muzzarelli for a long time, the prestigious house then passed to the Crema, who commissioned important transformations, such as the creation of the internal marble staircase and new pictorial decorations. It is currently owned by the Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara Foundation.

Useful information


via Cairoli, 13





Other addresses

vicolo del Teatro, 10

Visitability of the place

Visits by appointment only


Ornamental terracotta (frames, windows, capital,...)





Included in the itineraries