Daniele Pascale
Palazzo delle Finanze / Palazzo Foresto
Francesco III
Foresto d'Este
Carlo Baisi, Pietro Termanini
The large palace overlooking Corso Canalgrande was once owned by the Fogliani and Rangoni families. Passed to the Este family in the 17th century, it was the sumptuous city residence of Prince Foresto, cousin of Francesco I. In the 18th century, it was used first as a warehouse and then as the headquarters of the Ferma Generale: it was during this time that the façade and interiors were completely renovated to a design by Pietro Termanini.
corso Canalgrande, 30
vicolo Albergo Reale, 14 / rua Pioppa, 18-26 / vicolo del Cane, 14-22
Visitable only externally
Residency of the courtiers
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+39 051 4298243