Francesco Ceccarelli
Borgo di San Romano
Achille Sammarini
The village of San Romano in Garfagnana preserves the settlement pattern produced by building interventions in the medieval and modern ages and still possesses a homogeneous and compact urban fabric, with some significant architectural episodes, notably the parish church of San Romano Martire, of Romanesque foundation, transformed in the 15th century and then enlarged in the mid-18th century to its present layout, with a single hall and interesting late Baroque façade punctuated by two orders of stone pilasters, a broken pediment and soaring acroteria. Also significant is the Palazzo Pelliccioni Marazzini, along Via Giovanni Poli, which features a spacious double loggia with lowered arches on Doric columns made of boulders set on a pre-existing portico. On the ground floor is the entrance to the region’s Permanent Archaeology Exhibition, a small museum created during the restoration work (2005) to the nearby Verrucole Fortress, which preserves and enhances the archaeological finds unearthed during those investigations along with other examples of the area’s material culture dating back to the Bronze Age.
San Romano
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